Friday 20 June 2014

E-hookah- a Modernized Hookah

The cons of traditional hookah are themselves paving the way for the e-hookahs/vapor hookahs to rope in…wherein these electronic hookahs are known to deliver considerably lesser adversity to the smoker’s health. In the current times, there seems to be a plentiful assortment of tobacco products, with each product striving to maintain its quality and competitiveness in the market.

Where the traditional hookahs were being looked upon as an activity for a particular segment of society, vapor hookahs have managed to pin interest of people from all walks of life…and of all age groups…and from all genres. Several countries are witnessing a range of hookah lounges wherein a keen hookah smoker can walk in and have some amazing vapor hookah experience…with the e-liquid being available in an assortment of flavors…and each flavor doing a ‘perfect’ job for the ‘perfect’ satiation to each walk-in customer. A few refreshment snacks and a vapor hookah…a mind blowing combination for the hookah lovers!
The hydro herbal vapor stones are the new herbal entrants in the hookah market…known to have absolutely no content of tobacco, nicotine and tar…and apparently rendering a flavorful, immensely and a long- lasting pleasure. However this kind of hookah produces steam, thus being far less adverse than a smoke-producing traditional hookah.

In the realistic sense, an e-hookah has dared to bring in a change to the nearly 500 years old practice of hookah smoking. In fact it is no less than a highly modernized edition of hookah, producing lesser toxicity and rendering lesser damage to the active smoker’s health, with no passive smokers at all.